I know it's been a long time. It had been a long time two weeks ago when I finally started writing my Thanksgiving memoir.
Then, it happened, again. Stupid Expletive Computer. Even though I got it "fixed" just two months ago, it is on the fritz again. Do I need to explain to you how frustrating it is to turn on the machine to have everything work except the screen. Blue lights blinking and taunting me with the computer's black screen seemingly saying "I hate you...Bah Humbug."
So, for now, you'll have to imagine. Imagine a witty post about Thanksgiving also full of pictures. Imagine a delighful ditty about how 5th graders and how the words "I will make you put on a coat if you don't stop being distracted by your own arm" came out of my mouth earlier this week. Imagine all my recounts of Ana Victoria and how wonderful she is.
Think of it as blogging Advent. Wait and prepare, because when I'm back, it'll be good.
Can't wait!