Thursday, March 4, 2010

My Week in Numbers

All of the following are true. Exaggerations will be obvious. Some are impressive. Some are embarassing.

Number of
loads of baby laundry: 4
loads of adult laundry: 0
cribs built: 1
enormous boxes in my living room: 3
items put into digital shopping cart at 25
items actually purchased from digital shopping cart: 4
hours of television watched: 30
games of solitaire played: 81
games of solitaire won: 8
times email was checked: 7482
times email had new messages: 12
times email messages were from a real person and not facebook, Macy's, Old Navy, What to Expect or Barack Obama: 1
times phone rang: 4
visits to the bathroom daily: 7
visits to the bathroom nightly: 2
times left the house: 5
hours spent on facebook: 12
hours spent reading blogs: 4
items checked off to-do list: 6
items remaining on to-do list: 16
times swept and mopped and dusted: 2
hours dust stayed off of recently dusted items: 1

See? I'm doing LOTS with my time!

1 comment:

  1. Recipes read before one for corned beef was decided on?
