Thursday, March 25, 2010

Very, very strange

I've had some weird dreams in my life, but last night really takes the cake. The more I think about it, the less I really want to share it. It's that weird.

I would really like some dream analysis guru to take a stab at this one; it's a doozy. It's a doozy not because of it's grand complexity or it's possible message for my life, but because of it's extreme randomness and downright strangeness.

Now, I don't remember the beginning or the end, which I really hope would clear up the middle portion for me. But, here's the middle nonetheless:

I dreamed about growing rice. Not out in a field. Not in a garden. Did you know that the most appropriate place that rice is grown is on one's butt? Yes, apparently so.

Now do you understand why this dream is so strange?

My friends were explaining to me that every spring the butt, bottom, booty, etc of certain people turns into the perfect farm land. Rice plants sprout in perfect rows, no need to plant, water, weed, etc. Rice paddy is really a tricky synonym for rice butt.

I didn't get to the part in the dream that explained what to do once the crop is ready. I think I'm kind of glad I didn't. I'm also pretty glad I'm not one of the chosen rice growers.

Oh, I also am going to do some research on how rice is actually grown. What if it's true?!

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