The learning curve for parenting is a steep one. Like Everest, excepet minus the snow and add in some more oxygen. Here are some tidbits that I learned this week.
1. I may never drink a warm cup of coffee again.
2. Babies have shower radar. Just when you think they're asleep enough to jump in the shower, you get your hair all sudsy, like clockwork, the babe starts crying.
3. Babies also have meal radar. Just when you think you'll be able to have a warm meal, baby decides she'd like to eat, too. I'm convinced this, along with #1, is why microwaves were invented.
4. All-nighters in college are for wimps. You may have crammed for a total of two days, then you took your finals and slept for a week. Try doing that every night, with no end in sight.
5. Like a moth to a flame, baby poop is inexplicably drawn to a clean diaper.
6. It is possible to carry on hours-long one-sided conversations without getting bored or annoyed by no response.
7. Most things baby are proportional to their size. Tiny fingers. Tiny toes. Tiny body. Everything except for baby farts. It's like a grown man after a week of eating beans for every meal. They could make for some serious competition in a fart contest.
8. It doesn't matter what provokes the smile or noise, anything that can be deemed as non-crying communication is amazing.
9. After 5 hours sleep, a shower and a little bit of make-up, you feel like a million bucks.
So there's my Mommy wisdom for the week. And here is a family photo.
Oh Shannon! I love it. Soooo true. Get used to the cold coffee thing. I've just started putting mine directly in to a double-insulated stainless steel go cup. That way when I happen upone it in some random spot, it's usually still warm. :)